Thursday, May 9, 2024


Have you noticed how we are being ever more rapidly buried under paralyzing, indigestible and impossible-to-comply-with bureaucratic rules and regulations - and the small-business-crippling taxation they "justify"? China apparently leads the world in this field, with half of small-to-medium-sized businesses bankrupted during the lockdowns, to the tune of $11 trillion.

Once a hallmark of Third World inefficiency we're now smothered everywhere in bureaucratic red tape. It's the bread and butter of the UN agencies, the impenetrable smoke screen (have you tried reading the WHO IHT amendments?) for their increasingly bold stripping away of national and individual sovereignty. Our lives are commensurately dominated by CPAs and the legal profession, which alone still have the skills needed to decipher the convoluted word salad, the verbal diarrhea, that enigmatically dictates the terms of our existence in post-industrial society. When AGI replaces CPAs and lawyers those who still have jobs will be completely at the mercy of the taxman. Indeed, they already are.

As the illustration goes -
Pythagorean Theorem: 24 words.
Lord's Prayer: 66 words.
Archimedes Principle: 67 words
10 Commandments: 179 words.
The Gettysberg Address: 286 words.
The Declaration of Independence: 1320 words
European Commission Regulation 1591/87 on cabbages, sprouts, ribbed celery, spinach and plums: 5371 words. (Does this mean there were 1590 other regulations issued prior to this one in 1987? But at least Snopes declares that another, 26,000+ word directive on cabbages is "false").

Word salad is the unavoidable grammar and vocabulary of totalitarianism. Its characteristics are multisyllabic, convoluted, authoritarian sentence structure, disguising a lack of meaning. The One Health policy of the UN is a typical example, both in its impossibly broad reach (everything) and in its excruciating attempts to shoehorn human language into the artificial mold that the desire to control everything requires.


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