Sunday, July 28, 2024


America is being driven mad.

Linked below is my interview choice of the week.  Having shared it yesterday with the heretic community, I hadn't quite the courage - or is it recklessness? - to share more widely. However, it's getting late, so caution be damned!

The roots of shared belief that feed whatever culture holds the USA together are being systematically destroyed: family, religion, sexual identity, patriotism. So, also, is the nation's physical well-bring, with junk food, obesity, fentanyl, countless chemical additives in everything, and a rogue sickness industry that pathologically profits from it all. Food itself is now being targeted, and then there's the unchecked flood of illegal immigration by the millions.  And much of the same is also happening throughout Europe. 

Recognising this does not play into the comfort narrative we naturally prefer and are very much accustomed to. Indeed, its very enormity invites excuses and outright denial. It is insufficient to say that our blindness to the overwhelming evidence of our collective destruction is approaching collective madness, because that separates the trees from the forest. The two are not separate. We don't see what's happening, because we are looking piece-by-piece at the culture that is being deconstructed and transformed from within that culture. Where else can we stand? It is - or was - us. Our culture, like our very selves, is what we have no choice but to, however cosmetically, defend.  To abandon our identity - or to have it changed for us, bit by bit, out of all recognition - is, literally, to go mad. If we were frogs the water we live in would by now be approaching boiling point, but we wouldn't notice.
How are we to get out of ourselves - out of the boiling pot - sufficiently to see what is being done to us? On what secure platform can we stand to do this? The answer to this vital question lies in our recognition of the very thing that is being relentlessly undermined - this by a false faith we can call, paradoxically, flat earth scientism. It's a faith that declares that all values are equivalent, that is itself - it claims - value free

But there can be no such thing! We have to acknowledge that we live by values. Values hold us together both as individuals and as societies. They make our world. What are those values? Well, at their life-affirming best they are none other than what defines us as a community of human beings. This is the very thing the core of our religion supports and globalism is seeking to devalue, and destroy. 

So, here's a very bright lady. She's done a lot of deep research with a large and dedicated community of others, and she lays it all out very clearly...


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