Monday, September 11, 2017

The Conspiracy Theory That Won't Go Away

I was determined - despite the distraction of hurricane Irma - to write something on 9/11 to commemorate this most infamous day in American history. But what could I add to what I've already said? Then, as luck would have it, a friend sent me a link to this article in the Daily Mail Online. Not the most prestigious of mainstream newspapers, it can perhaps for that very reason afford - more than, say, the too-often contemptible NYT and Washington Post - to report this more thoroughly and in more neutral terms than could either of those two, wearing the manacles of ownership and obligation that they do. [And I must add here, in response to severe criticism, that my contempt for these two otherwise excellent news outlets is limited to this particular subject - which confined perspective, however, discolors just about everything else concerning Middle Eastern politics that they subsequently write about!]   

On the other hand, hiding in plain sight can be a winning strategy. The linked article once again seems to me to contain enough damning evidence to rouse even the most stubborn ostrich from his silicone refuge, but I've been shouting across this particular wasteland long enough to know that it's not just die-hard Trump and Duterte supporters whose reasoning power appears to have deserted them. The bigger the lie the more the man in the street will be forced to believe it, Hitler once gloated.  

And how right he was. The BBC once brazenly displayed, on a split screen, the vertical, near free fall collapse of WTC 7 side by side with the identical collapse of an apartment block. 'The collapse on the right' intoned the commentator 'is an example of controlled demolition. The collapse on the left was caused by out-of-control fires'.   

Rationality is abandoned when the ground we are standing on begins to shake, and the implications of the 9/11/2001 state terror event are profound indeed. 
