Friday, December 31, 2021



A highly contagious disease is sweeping the world; a planet-wide epidemic, or 'plandemic' for short. Opportunistic, as are all viruses, it has adapted itself to the prevailing virtual environment. It is a virtual disease. You can't touch it, smell it, or see it. An invisible enemy, it is everywhere, and as we have had to come to terms with germs, so we are told we must learn to live with Covidianism. It has become a fact of life. Once it has established itself in the mind of the victim (for that is where it thrives) there is no vaccine yet developed that works against it. But early-stage treatments abound on the alternative media, while prophylaxis is simple and effective: avoid the afflicted! 

How do you know if you have this dread disease? The short answer is, you don't. The chief symptom is a belief, amounting to an unassailable conviction, that despite all evidence to the contrary your behavior is normal. That this is not the case is blatantly apparent to the healthy, since sufferers - one could call them adherents - are readily identifiable by their adoption of conspicuous behavior and attire. This includes hiding their faces behind assorted pieces of cloth secured to their ears, eschewing all close physical contact with their fellow humans in preference for digital substitutes, locking themselves and each other away in complete isolation for days and weeks, and (much as previously with religions) refusing to associate with anyone not exhibiting the same symptoms as theirs.  

But their most conspicuous distinguishing mark – jocularly referred to as 'the mark of the Beast' - is their ritualistic submission to a virtual tattoo, by which they can be linked to the internet of other bodies like theirs.  This Brotherhood of the Jabbed promises them a 'hive mind' of unanimity and togetherness, their every action monitored and assigned a Virtue Score assuring them continued membership of the Covidian Club until such time as either their digital signature fades, requiring renewal, or they surrender blissfully to its long-term lethal effects, like the elderly in the movie Soylent Green.   

Will we ever see an end to this scourge? There are encouraging signs that we will. No virus can survive if it is too deadly, and indications are that the key behavior Covidianism demands - repeated jabs - ultimately eliminates its host. Also, the unpleasantly exclusionary and dictatorial attitude it imprints on the minds of its sufferers is already creating increasing  pushback, which translates into diminishing new cases.  By the end of 2023 all signs suggest Covidianism will have self-destructed, albeit leaving behind a world forever changed, if not chastened.  

Monday, July 26, 2021

A Short Foray Into "Fake News"

A BBC article I was recently sent a link to set others to whom it was sent wondering how to distinguish the true from the false. Apparently-faked pictures of flood damage in Germany were cited as an example of unequivocal disinformation (thank you, Jill). 

It seems to me that what is "real", if we can't verify it personally, is entirely determined by whom we accept as our authority, and that this choice of authorities is something over which we have very limited control. We are guided, shaped, into it by our society.  But limited though our choice is, it is mostly reinforced by acceptable results, and to that degree we collectively trust it, and thus the creaking cart of civilisation lurches forward.  If the RT broadcasts something we recognise it as an outside source and take it with a pinch of salt. If the BBC broadcasts it, we accept it far more readily. The BBC is more "us". 

If our authorities were to lie to us over something only they control, it again seems to me that we'd have no way to tell, other than by accepting as true what was being said by people who were not our authorities, but rather outsiders to the system. This would be an act of betrayal of our group, and would meet with concerted opposition. What I am suggesting here may perhaps also be felt slightly as such an act of betrayal.  I'm rather challenging received wisdom, and I'm not an authoritative source, i.e. one we would go to for this kind of insight, if that's even what it is. But look at this statement in the BBC article linked at the top - 

"...just because someone died after having a vaccine doesn't mean they died because of the vaccine. They could have been killed in a car accident."

This becomes, with a single substitution of the word "vaccine" with the word "Covid 19", exactly what has been said countless times by mainstream deniers, re. the counting of C-19 deaths. If this irony in the BBC article is deliberate it again assumes automatic agreement with the BBC: that if it's Covid deaths then obviously car accidents won't be counted, so the objecting source must be an untrustworthy outsider, the allegation fictitious, and the high death count true.  On the other hand If it's vaccine deaths being counted then we can legitimately surmise, in reverse, that the alleged car accidents are being falsely used to inflate our own, trusted authority's vaccine death figures.

On this view "fake news" and "disinformation" can be accurately defined as "Anything that contradicts my authority's assertions".  Stated bluntly, a fact is whatever our authorities say it is. Jacinda Ardern, PM of NZ, very recently exhorted her public to listen to nobody in regard to C-19 except her government. You can either endorse this as assuredly from a trustworthy source, uncritically follow all NZ government C-19 directives, and humbly accept any penalties if you fail to do so, or you can see it as a rather Orwellian invitation to surrender free thought and speech. The distinction would be clearer had the exhortation been made by the less reputable leader of a less reputable government, and we might perhaps thereby be tempted to see it as an appeal to believe objective truth (the pronouncements of the NZ government) and ignore objective falsehood (any contradiction of them).  This, as I see it, would be an error, but an exceedingly common one.  The guide to the truth of whatever we can't personally verify is our personal allegiance to the authority that pronounces on it.  There is no such thing as objective truth.  Facts are shared, social agreements - conceptual conventions - based on collective trust in an accepted authority. Trust - which is essentially an act of faith - underlies truth.


Monday, May 31, 2021



This is a bit of a deep dive. To authoritatively lay out the entire, alternative Covid-19 narrative is beyond my competence, or your patience, so the many embedded links are to sources intended to flesh out the argument and add the weight of more professional opinion. Pursuing all the links would need more than a single session, but please do click on them where time allows - Some will have more (or should I say less?) appeal than others.

In reaction to this Dr. Christiane Northrup/Mike Adams interview a British friend, Peter, remarked,  

If a bunch of British doctor[s] with reputation said this, l might believe. But an American 6 times Opera Winfrey guest and multiple book seller.... Nah!

This apparent denial of 'facts' rocked me back on my heels a bit, until I recalled no less than renowned lawyer Alan Dershowitz similarly dismissing something else I had accepted as factual, because, he objected, it didn't come from a kosher Jewish source.  

What?! Aren't facts facts? 

Um, no, actually - at least not in quite the way we imagine them to be. I have constantly to be reminded that, having admitted our ignorance on a subject, we only accept as factual what comes from an accepted authority (thank you Peter; thank you Alan).  But this keeps leading me to the (to me) startling conclusion that what we call knowledge is better described as collective belief.  All knowledge, including scientific knowledge, is a human, social construct, a sort of community agreement, itself based on a hierarchy of authority (a chain of bosses, if you like). Knowledge is hierarchical; new beliefs are built on older, more tried-and-tested beliefs, and the structure of human society itself reflects this: yes, there’s equality (fraternity), but there’s also hierarchy (excellence, privilege, power).  Facts, in short, are hierarchies of value. In plain language, what does not have value does not exist. 

Accepting an authority requires a degree of trust, eliciting, further, a degree of loyalty to the ethical system that the authority represents (physical, racial, social, philosophical, even scientific).  Ethics, in turn, are the self-consistent, moral platforms upon which all thought is built.  That what we take to be hard, independent facts turn out to be our personal and shared values is, I think, a very big deal. What we accept as authority delimits what we allow ourselves to believe; and what we believe is what we accept as reality.  Facts are not accessible as objective, independent, separate things. Facts are us. 

Nevertheless, ethical systems – networks of values – are all claimed to be factual, or truthful, by their authorities.  So authorities – hence realities - inevitably clash, as history painfully reminds us.  Whose reality is best is thus, aside from sex, the overriding preoccupation of the human race. What – we demand to know – is the truth? 

My friend Peter is evidently loyal to certain values he identifies as British. If you're Jewish you're similarly loyal to the clan (c.f. Dershowitz, above).  But Bernie Madoff (also Jewish) betrayed his clan with his ponzi scheme - his ethical community had a membership of one (himself). Betrayal like his is a kind of heresy, because it violates the ethical structure the participants assume they have all faithfully agreed on. The outcome is invariably excommunication of the heretic from the ethical system. 

But what if he who betrays the system runs the system?* 

Dr. Christiane Northrup, the American doctor linked at the top, has credentials (Note: credo - not 'I know', but 'I believe'.) that seem singularly absent among the power-and-money saturated CEOs, managers, and elites the benevolence of whose actions she is calling into question.  As an ethical system, the love of money does not have much to recommend it. But I am getting ahead of myself. For courageously challenging her medical authorities she has been summarily excommunicated, her reputation - that is, her relative authority within the medical hierarchypredictably shredded by those she accuses, as well as by others anxious to defend the mainstream, whose aura of invincible scientific correctness their own sense of security demands. She's consequently independent of any obligation to the medical establishment to which she would otherwise owe allegiance.  She is a free agent.  By the same token she is now also ‘beyond the pale’; her beliefs lying outside the confines of medical respectability, she's ideologically a stateless person.   

Dr. Mike Yeadon, to whose Planet Lockdown video I am also providing a link is another highly credentialed expert who is now largely free of obligation to medical authority, being financially independent and no longer beholden to Pfizer. He is thus free to challenge accepted wisdom, but has also become an Establishment pariah by doing so. 

Behind what we call ‘facts’ stand motives. We seek what we want, and we see what we believe. It is thus ultimately the motives of those governing the medical establishment – a system of supposedly mutual trust and loyalty – that are being questioned by Northrup, Yeadon, and many other previously-respected experts. Why, they want to know, are they, once-respected professionals, being excommunicated from the systems they cherish for publicizing their expert views?   

Their evidence has led them to the unthinkable: that our authorities are ‘doing a Madoff’ – betraying the ethical systems they were appointed to uphold and protect.  Making such unconscionable accusations, they find themselves suddenly outside the tent of shared belief, pissing in. and in consequence similarly accused.  After all, from what superior ethical vantagepoint, you will rightfully ask, do they claim the authority to patronize all over such weighty institutions as the WHO, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA, the World Economic Forum, the Welcome Trust, experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, or philanthropists like Bill Gates? I mean... The sheer arrogance of these people! 

It's a very good question, and in fact it launched this post. So ok, let me now suggest an answer. But first let me backtrack a little. What we take to be hard, independent facts are - as I've stressed elsewhere in this blog, and all-too-briefly here - in reality hierarchies of (shared) value. Newer beliefs, to be true to the ethical system, must not conflict with the older, more durable beliefs that underpin them, beginning with those we experience minute by minute and interpret as an external, physical world. While family bonds (though shaken) remain generally stronger than state control, (e.g. communist China, or as dramatized by the depiction of a Cromwell era incident "When did you last see your father?"), physical values underlie both, deny them how we may. King Canute’s loyal subjects bore him confidently down to the sea on his throne, to hold back the incoming tide, but in it still came, confounding their faith in his authority. In the Middle Ages our Earth was as confidently assumed to be at the center of Creation, until the rude arrival of Galileo and his authority-shaking telescope.  The Inquisitors refused to look up this infernal device, because the evidence it would offer their eyes threatened to dethrone the geocentric dogma upon which their power depended. Having ignored the offered evidence they then cheated; they showed him the instruments with which they would torture him if he didn’t shut up. They threatened Galileo, in other words, with the destruction of his most foundational value – his life – in order to preserve an edifice of power that would otherwise crumble. And one can imagine their excuses - “This damned thing would turn the world on its head!”, “It will create chaos!”, “The people will be thrown into confusion!” – as well as their underlying motives “Our power will be stripped from us!”, “We will be humiliated; financially ruined!” 

In our own era, until very recently UFOs were ridiculed as the fantasies of the tinfoil hat brigade.  As blurred images are carefully doled out to the public by the CIA, UFOs (‘UAPs’ in today’s PC parlance) are starting to assume the vague outlines of what I am sure will shortly be allowed to become 'facts'.  In similar fashion, then - excommunicated medical experts would claim - we are being called upon now by the intrusion of fundamental beliefs about the physical world to abandon our credulity with regard to modern institutional authorities whose nonsensical edicts we have come to unthinkingly obey.

Those authorities are of course vigorously countering this challenge with every means at their disposal.  And what are these means today? Not the rack, fortunately. Silence (including secrecy) probably ranks number one. An item of news judged not fit to print by our centralized, mainstream media is thereby kept safely 'out of sight, out of mind'. Ridicule is an easy and effective second line of defense. Character assassination comes a close third. These strategies failing to stem the tide, the next step is to make the deviants disappear from the internet : if they can’t be found, they effectively don’t exist. Next to last, quote 'the science'. This usually wins the battle, because the entire, social truth construct is built around majority belief (how could it not be?), and this reaches into every area of 'respectable' thought - scientific journalsthe professional career structure, the peer review process, the awarding of the Nobel Prize, and so on.  In mainstream science, as in mainstream everything, if you know what's best for you, you will invariably and too often unthinkingly toe the line.  Which is exactly the point at which the deviants are stepping off the gravy train and into politically uncharted territory. Having put themselves ‘beyond the pale’, they are accordingly being excommunicated  (deplatformed, and cancelled, in modern parlance), weeded out by ‘fact checkers’, labeled ‘conspiracy theorists’, their research branded 'fake news' and 'disinformation', their presence summarily obliterated (censored) wherever possible by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, et al to protect the believers who are still in the fold.  And, then, when all else fails, there’s the Galileo solution: naked threats. 

The Powers That Be - represented by a now dangerously monolithic mainstream media - have in effect laid out a "catechism" of politically correct beliefs, to be taken to heart by all adherents of the Covid-19 faith.  Contradicting any of these beliefs constitutes an act of heresy, for which the penalty, as we’ve seen, is excommunication. You will not be allowed to participate in the socio-economic realm encompassed by Covidianism unless you can present the proper credentials (proof of correct belief).  This proof is embodied in a single, globally verifiable document: your vaccine passport.  Once you are a card carrying Covidian, participation in an injection refreshment event (let’s call it 'Covidian Christmas') will be the minimum requirement for your continued enjoyment of what were previously (and in fact remain) your inalienable rights, access to which will now be perpetually reassessed on the basis of your sins (Social Credit Score). Non-believers ('infidels'), and lapsed Covidians, both stripped of their once inalienable rights, additionally face ostracism for their manifest selfishness, and are threatened with the well-deserved and horrible death from which only a vaccine passport could have saved them; no longer burned at the stake, but asphyxiating expensively in a hospital ward from this ‘dread disease’ (the two words now inextricably linked in our fearful minds, by dint of constant media repetition.)   

The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence small, but their power of forgetting enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan." 


The Covidian Catechism.  (To be recited in a religious monotone)

1.  There is a deadly virus - SARS-CoV-2 - released on the world from Wuhan, China in early 2020. that quickly engulfed the world, and was classified a  pandemic (Chorus: 'A pandemic!'). 

2.  Infection with this dreadful scourge is infallibly revealed by the RT-PCR test; a test so sensitive it can detect the virus even in the absence of symptoms (Chorus: 'In the absence of symptoms!'). 

3. Verily, even the asymptomatic can spread SARS-CoV-2, so everyone is a potential source of infection.  Generally, however, it causes many and varied symptoms, including death (Chorus: 'Death!'). The manifestation of this virus as a disease is called Covid-19. (Chorus, repeat ad nauseam: 'Covid-19! Covid-19! Covid-19! Covid-19!...')

4.  To inhibit the spread of Covid-19, mass symbolic genu flexion to authority, demonstrated by wearing masks, practicing social distancing and submitting to lockdowns and quarantines, is necessary, worldwide. 

5.  The only way to banish Covid-19 is to inoculate everyone (Chorus: 'Everyone!') against it, with potions that are both safe and effective (Chorus: 'Safe and effective!'), developed at warp speed by favored pharmaceutical companies.

7.  These potions only work against the particular strains of SARS-CoV-2 for which they were designed. Repeated inoculation will thus be needed,  to contain new strains of SARS-CoV-2, against which natural immunity will not work (Chorus: 'Natural immunity will not work!'). 

8.  Vaccine passports, issued upon proof of inoculation with an authorized potion and valid only for a limited time, will protect the public against loss of economic and social privileges (Chorus: 'Privileges!') and of course the threat of renewed infection. 

9.  Any or all of the above-enumerated facts may be changed at any time, without notice, at the sole discretion of The Powers That Be. 

Well, that was fun, but what are the alternative ‘facts’?  Off the reservation as they are, you are likely to approach them with a degree of skepticism which you did not apply to the above ideas, coming as the latter did from our authorities. I can only hope that, unlike my British friend, you do not reject them outright, but keep, as they say, an open mind, particularly in view of the motive which, in the absence of profit, power, or promotion, seems to lie behind them: namely, to sincerely pursue truth - which is the source of all genuine authority – through the application of tried and tested medical practices, while honoring both the Hippocratic oath and the sacred duty to oneself to keep body and soul together without succumbing to greed. So -  

The RT-PCR test as applied to Covid-19 is very demonstrably at best worthless.  Its reliability rests largely on the scientifically unsupported declarations of Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten. It cannot reliably test for a present viral infection.  Kary B. Mullis, the inventor of the original test (and Nobel prize winner for it - another authority we trust), made this explicitly clear.

It strikes me that this finding alone debunks (to use a term much favored by those supporting officialdom) the entire Covid-19 response.  

And what, anyway, could an effective RT-PCR test reveal? A whole structure corresponding to the SARS-CoV-2 virus seems never to have been isolated.  What we call the 'SARS-CoV-2 virus' is a largely artificial construct pieced together from barely-discernible fragments of genetic material that could have come from anywhere, have not  - with the exception of the spike protein element - been proven to cause disease, and the gaps in our knowledge of which have been filled with computer- generated gene sequences. 

Until 'Covid-19', asymptomatic disease transmission was an extreme rarity.  You can't go to your doctor, lacking symptoms of any illness, and expect a 'diagnosis'!  Only the assurance of Dr. Christian Drosten, that his version of the RT-PCR test showed true positives for people with no symptoms, has made this appear possible. Asymptomatic false positive test results have vastly inflated Covid-19 infection figures. Quoting from this linked article:

A study published by Nature Medicine puts 79% of middle schoolers and teenagers as “asymptomatic”. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, asymptomatics are as high as 91.5%.[4] If we follow WHO’s guidance (as governments have been following in the past 10 months), it shows that there is a huge probability that all of these asymptomatic cases were in fact false positives.

Governments wishing to change the infection rate have simply to test those who are asymptomatic. By increasing or decreasing the number of tests administered the desired numbers infected will be magically achieved. Changing the test cycle threshold (Ct) has the same effect. 

What are the chances of dying from 'Covid-19'? Due to reporting inaccuracies it is very hard to be sure, but -

Brazeau and his team looked at 175 studies, finding just 10 they regarded as reliable. They adjusted for confounding factors and calculated the death rate for each age group, including 0 per cent for under 4s, less than 0.1 per cent for people under 40, 0.36 per cent if 50 to 54, 2.17 if 70 to 74, 5 per cent if 80 to 84 and 16 per cent for those over 90.

(US National Library of Medicine - ) 

These numbers, one should remember, are for those judged to be infected, not for the entire population in each age group. In a developed country, if you were over 90 and caught 'Covid-19' you would still have an 84% chance of survival, while the average age at death (all causes) in the developed world is around 82 years.  Apparently no-one under the age of 4 in the developed world has died of 'Covid-19', while the research linked above has somewhat disingenuously lumped together the next four 10-year cohorts, thus concealing that those dying under the age of 20 were too few to measure as a rate. Yet still the world economy has been shut down, the education system crippled, families torn apart, until everyone of all ages is jabbed. 

And what were people actually dying of? We were told, during the first wave that swept the West in April, 2020, that 'Covid-19' appeared to be an acute respiratory disease. The elderly, especially, were being put on ventilators, ostensibly to keep them alive, but were mysteriously dying, despite this radical intervention.  Evidence has now emerged that they were also being administered high doses of Midazolam, a powerful sedative that causes hypoventilation, i.e. it suppresses the ability to breathe. Incredible though this appears, numerous fatalities listed as 'Covid-19' deaths were caused, apparently deliberately, by the treatment they were receiving.  The excess deaths that characterized the first wave of 'Covid-19' were in many cases hospital- and care center-induced.  

It has only been very recently that attention has been redirected to the effect  on the cardio-vascular system of the spike protein now being linked to 'Covid-19' (see below).  The respiratory symptoms that characterized the first wave in April, 2020, are being quietly forgotten. 

I hope at this point you are beginning to ask - What is going on here? 

The wearing of masks has been everywhere a cornerstone of the 'Covid-19' response, and made mandatory for all ages, despite a striking shortage of evidence as to their efficacy, and a large amount that strongly suggests they are ineffective and in fact harmful. 

The mRNA injection is an experimental gene therapy.  It is not a vaccine. It is authorized 'for emergency use only' until April, 2023. Until then we, the human race, are the experimental subjects. The  multiple, adverse cardio-vascular 'side effects' being reported among us, the experimental inoculation subjects, point to the spike protein fragment identified as part of the apparently hypothetical SARS-CoV-2 virus and artificially introduced as an immunity trigger in the mRNA inoculations mandated across the 'developed' world, as the cause of the 'Covid-19' syndrome.  These 'side effects', it is starting to appear, are the disease they are advertised as preventing. The spike protein, researchers are now saying,  is SARS-CoV-2.   

Mr. Bill Gates smilingly assured us last year that the uncooperative public would pay more attention when the third Corona virus wave hit us this year. It makes macabre sense to deduce that what he was presciently referring to were the effects of his patented injectables.  This theory is leant weight by the recent projections of Imperial College, London (source of the infamous Dr. Neil Ferguson's panic-inducing computer model of early 2020, predicting  half a million Covid-19 deaths if the UK wasn't locked down immediately).  Imperial College is now warning that the next 'pandemic' wave will be - yes - among the inoculated. 

Fortunately, there are previously-existing, cheap, demonstrably effective treatments for 'Covid-19'.  

And here -

Unfortunately, these alternatives, threatening as they do the Gates/Fauci inoculation business model and Vaccine Passport rollout, have been ruthlessly attacked, 'debunked', and suppressed by our medical authorities, their promotion by enthusiastic doctors denounced as reckless and dangerous by the monopoly mainstream media.

Dr. Andreas Kalcker claims an almost 100% recovery rate with his do-it-yourself solution. His contribution has been accordingly almost swatted out of existence. 

Instead, then, we have been treated to the unprecedented, but almost universal spectacle of those diagnosed with 'Covid-19' by a test that is at best useless (e.g. Elon Musk took six; three were positive, and three negative) being sent home with instructions to wait up to ten days without medication to see if they need hospitalization. None of the several, multiple-doctor-recommended, self-administrable therapeutic agents is being officially offered, in fact all are being actively discouraged.  And what are these?  We have been primed by our authorities to ridicule their mere mention. Hydoxychloroquine was for 65 years, until made all but unobtainable in 2020,  a drug so safe it was given to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Taken orally, as part of a regimen of medicines often including Azithromycin and zinc, its efficacy against early-stage 'Covid-19' symptoms has been attested to by innumerable doctors (who may, by the way, legally prescribe any drug 'off label' if, in their experience, it shows promise). Ivermectin is another such drug, also recommended as part of a regimen including zinc. Vitamins A (beta carotene), C, and D3 are also highly recommended, along with zinc, as preventatives, because they boost our innate immunity (until last year understood to be superior to vaccine-induced immunity, but now disparaged, apparently to further promote adoption of profitable Covidian inoculation protocols and the all-important rollout of vaccination passports). 

According to my own search, there were 2291 deaths throughout the USA and Territories reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as being related to 'Covid 19' injections in 2021 up to May 14, as against 590 deaths reported for all vaccine-related causes in the USA and Territories for the previous ten years.;jsessionid=31F21E20ACF0E33CFFCC92F1D453 .  Others have claimed 4201 deaths from 'Covid-19' injections in the first four months of this year.  Whatever; despite 25-50 deaths in the past being enough to halt the rollout of a new vaccine (e.g. against Swine Flu, in 1976) far from halting these experimental gene therapies, the public is being stampeded into accepting them regardless of age, or the attendant dangers, or susceptibility to the alleged virus, or the lack of it.  North Carolina has declared that 12-year-old children may be injected without parental consent. Although pregnant mothers were omitted from the trials, they have been included in the nationwide injection rollout - a decision entirely without medical precedent, for the obvious reason that the effect of injection with this untested gene therapy on the unborn fetus is entirely unknown. 

What is going on??

The insistence that everyone, without exception, be injected points to universal registration via the medium of vaccine passports as being the goal.  This is the Holy Grail of government: control of all aspects of life of the entire population.  But the understandings outlined above, like Galileo's challenge to medieval religious orthodoxy, threaten the entire 'Covid-19' response rationale. They are made the more credible by the largely altruistic motives of their proponents, in rather stark contrast to the self-serving assertions of opportunistic politicians, administrators at hospitals running them as businesses, and doctors either in fear for their jobs or hopeful of promotion.  And, as with the Inquisition, they lead to conclusions that are very difficult to face (It took Mike Yeadon a year to face them). 

We believe ourselves to be autonomous beings. Are we now to leave 'telescopes' untouched?  Says who? Whose side are we on? Whose interests are our authorities actually protecting with this unprecedented bullying, censorship,  ridicule, one-sided criticism, deplatforming, and, well, lies?  To add some much-needed humor, let's have Russell Brand put in a word 

Dr. Christiane Northrup and Dr. Mike Yeadon you have met. Allow me to add links here to several more supposedly ‘unscrupulous’ doctors and ‘dangerous’ websites: Dr. Joseph MercolaDr. Peter McCullough,  Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Steven Baker,  The Great Barrington Declaration, American Frontline Doctors,  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, Alexandra Bruce, Polly St GeorgePhillip Day, the UK Column News, Off Guardian - to name but a small handful. They are all shouting and screaming at us to wake up to an unfolding nightmare: what I have christened Covidianism is a massive, anti-humanitarian front for the conversion of what will remain of the human race into a digital resource, a commodity; part, essentially, of the Internet of Things.  Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, calls it The Great Reset. It ushers in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and transhumanism - what used to be referred to as the New World Order, rebranded as Agenda 21 and Agenda 30. 

An examination of these initiatives is outside the scope of this already over-extended post. If you research them in the mainstream you will be greeted with anodyne assurances that they are for your own good.  Here's a sober appraisal, and you might also consider re-acquainting yourself with George Orwell’s 1984, and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. , neither of which should be considered 'just a work of fiction'.

*As Adolph Hitler pointed out, make the lie big enough and the man in the street will have no choice but to believe it, because he has to trust his authorities. 


Here are a couple of ‘bonuses’ (thank you, John) for getting to the end

-  “We’re just doing our job” –

“No more procrastinating!” -

And it's not all doom and gloom. On the contrary, people are waking up to what is happening, and starting to create decentralized, ethically unified action groups around the world to counter the unwanted, unconstitutional, anti-human plans of those seeking to (how else can I put it?) enslave humanity with a universal vaccine passport that will enable total global control under the guise of Building Back Better with The Great Reset. Chief among these couter-initiatives, I think, is the Thrive community, created by Foster and Kimberley Gamble, and which you can access here.  And another resource is Stop World Control.

But if all this is really too much for you, and you still want your faith in Covidianism reinforced, or restored, you will find ample reassurance here - And in fact if you type any of the names listed in the above post into a Google search, the algorithm is conveniently set to reward you with a rich trove of unadulterated, contemptuous dismissal. 



1 June, 2021