Tuesday, October 18, 2022


then scientism would come to rule how we think, if only briefly, and the world discussed in the podcast linked below is perhaps how things would temporarily look. 

"How can we prepare for this?" a friend just asked, and indeed, as one searches mentally for ways to dodge first one, then another, and still another technology-enabled threat touched on (sometimes quite humorously) in this podcast, the picture starkly emerges of a thinking, planetary species absurdly at war with itself.  The scientistic mindset by which we are now all controlled, thanks to the global embrace of the technology it has promiscuously enabled, reveals itself as glaringly and dangerously wrong.  And I think one must eventually come to the realisation that, in their near universality, the consequences of this world view can no longer be evaded, or protected against. For our species to survive we have to evolve beyond - transcend - the mindset itself. Only then will healing occur.  Step one, though, is to recognise that here on spaceship Earth, Houston, we humans have a problem - of perception -

(Starts at the 8:30 minute mark)

