Friday, November 25, 2022


 OK, you grey eminences, awaken from your dogmatic slumbers and ponder this -   

It's been an education watching Campbell's evolution in this unfolding 
drama. Steadfastly truthful throughout, he has followed, as must we 
all, the 'evidence' provided by his authorities, in whom he thereby 
demonstrated his trust.  "Science is about trying to find out what is the 
nature of reality" he exclaims, laying bare his credo, but equally laying 
bare the core problem science cannot reach: it's all ultimately based 
on trust!  He asks whom (or what) do we follow, "science, or scientific 
officers? There's a big...difference." Really?

Because this opens the entire can of worms - beyond the scope of his 
video - which addresses his statement about the purpose of science. 
What, in the final analysis, is the difference between science and 
scientists? Is Dr. Campbell now going to experiment directly on bat 
viruses, furin cleavage sites, and what have you, so as to sidestep the 
fallibility of scientists?

No, he isn't. And even if he did, would we then infallibly learn the truth? 
From him? He'd be just another scientist! To be faithful to the belief that 
there's a difference between science and scientists we'd have to do our 
own experiments too!  The only infallible yardstick of truth is direct 
experience. Everything else has to pass through the medium of fellow 
humans - whom we have to trust. And verification? This returns us to the 
beginning.  It's a circular argument.  All ultimately relies on trust. And trust 
assumes truth. And truth is experience, and... Round and round.

The goal of science - to uncover objective truth - is unachievable. 
Scientific papers? Written by human beings. Data? Compiled by human 
beings. (Yup - even data are suspect: no less than the British Office of 
National Statistics has right now been caught with its pants down
manipulating death stats to favour the C-19 vaccinated.)  Apply better 
safeguards, you say? Conducted by whom? The Lancet? Discredited
The police? Puh-lease! The judiciary? Surely you jest. 

The entire project depends on trust.  It isn't about a supposed objective 
science at all.  It's about morality!

Even bloody Piers Morgan has a point, when he excuses his venomous  
condemnation of the unvaxxed by claiming that he was simply articulating 
what the 'experts' had said. Indeed he was - he was following his trusted 
authorities, which were flawed, if not actually corrupt (there's another 
distinction we need to explore).  The integrity of the authority structure is 
paramount, and based on trust, which is ultimately unverifiable, absent 
direct experience.

The authority structure is fallible? So what else is new? Morality turns out 
to be the only absolute guide to human behaviour, and that's internal and 
unmeasurable - beyond the purview of science, at least as presently 


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